
Colibrí endémico de Isla Escudo de Veraguas- Vulnerable

Colibrí de Isla Escudo de Veraguas--Es una especie endémica (exclusiva) de esta pequeña isla, ubicada aguas afuera de la costa de Veraguas y la Comarca Gnobe Bugle.

Muchas otras islas de Panamá contienen especies y sub-especies y hábitat muy valiosos y únicos para conservar la biodiversidad de nuestro país.

Los panameños debemos ser celosos de los planes y propósitos que afectan nuestras islas y costas.

De acuerdo a criterios de conservación esta especie es Vulnerable a la extinción.


2005 IUCN Red List Category (as evaluated by BirdLife International - the official Red List Authority for birds for IUCN): Vulnerable

Justification This poorly known species is Vulnerable because it has a very small range. No specific threats are currently known, but any evidence that the population is tiny, or of a decline, would result in a reclassification as Critically Endangered.

Family/Sub-family TROCHILIDAE

Species name author Wetmore, 1963

Taxonomic source(s) Wetmore (1968)

Taxonomic note Amazilia tzacatl (Sibley and Monroe 1990, 1993) has been split into A. tzacatl and A. handleyi following Wetmore (1968).

Identification 11 cm. Green hummingbird with rufous tail. Darkish, bronze-green above with black flight feathers. Paler below with glittering, golden-green throat and ashy-grey belly. Rufous tail and uppertail-coverts. Reddish bill tipped black. Female scaled light grey on throat and has white belly. Immature like female with greyer belly.

Population estimate

Population trend

Range estimate (breeding/resident)

Country endemic?



3 km2


Range & population Amazilia handleyi is endemic to Isla Escudo de Veraguas in the Caribbean, off the coast of Bocas del Toro, Panama3. It was glimpsed occasionally in March 1958, and five specimens were collected during five days in March 19623. More recent surveys have found the species to be abundant, albeit within an extremely small range3.

Ecology It has been observed feeding on the flowers of low bushes in coastal areas4.

Threats The small size of Isla Escudo de Veraguas makes this species inherently susceptible to extinction. There are many potential threats, including hurricanes, fire, establishment of non-native species and development for tourism.

Conservation measures underway CITES Appendix II. No conservation measures known.

Conservation measures proposed Survey to determine its population size and identify any specific threats. Prevent the introduction of non-native species to Isla Escudo de Veraguas.

References 1. AOU (1998). 2. G. Graves in litt. (1999). 3. S. Olson per G. Graves in litt. (1996). 4. Wetmore (1968).

Text account compilers Phil Benstead (BirdLife International), Tom Stuart (BirdLife International)

IUCN Red List evaluators Phil Benstead (BirdLife International), David Capper (BirdLife International), David Wege (BirdLife International)

Recommended citation BirdLife International (2005) Species factsheet: Amazilia handleyi. Downloaded from http://www.birdlife.org on 30/10/2005

This information is based upon, and updates, the information published in BirdLife International (2000) Threatened birds of the world. Barcelona and Cambridge, UK: Lynx Edicions and BirdLife International, and BirdLife International (2004) Threatened birds of the world 2004 CD-ROM. These sources provide the information for species accounts for the birds on the IUCN Red List.

To provide new information to update this factsheet or to correct any errors, please email BirdLife

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