Recordemos que la idea de este blog es que las cosas más medulares discutidas o presentadas aquí sean publicadas para que las siguientes generaciones sepan que se hacía y decía, justo en el momento que se negociaban nuestras islas y costas más hermosas.
Dear Marco,
Sorry, but you mis-understood what I had indicated. I do have an interest in a small portion of the land on Isla Escudo. It is NOT being a purchase, nor is it being SOLD. The fellow who "owns" the land, does so by virtue of his long family standing on the isla - the ONLY one who has done so. He himself, subsequent to his grandfather, has been continuously living, fishing, working, planting and employing locales on his portion for nearly 39 years. His papers are pre-dated the 1997 resolution that you allude to.
What we are intending on doing, is to develop a small, up-scale, eco-friendly resort within the pristine and sensitive isla environment. I've had a page on my website for more than 18 months on this subect. I indicated we had attempted to seek some "investors" to participate; but, they seem more interested in buying, rather than investing. What we are in the final stages of, is the securing of the proper documents to protect this portion of the isla.
What did mention also, was that there are numerous rumors and comments flying about, that "various" peoples within/without government that are trying to sell the isla en total, in parts, or what have you. We feel strongly, that the majority of the isla should be designated a National Park. Our small section doesn't contain much of the unique flora and fauna, as likewise neither does the W end that has been a primary indigenous camping area (twice/yr for 2 months each period). That sector has seen some considerable cutting of the tree growths, and would indeed, be possibly suitable to another resort.
This mid-sector, probably about 75-80% of the isla, is where the many unique to only Escudo species exist. You must know of the sloth; various frogs; hummingbird; dove and perhaps another bird; as well as various corals and some shells that date more than 4 Million years; and in addition, a recently named new species of Cycads - the plants which PRE-date the Dinos by 100 Million years, and which I have been heavily involved with these past 2 years. Just last week I spent 2 days there, and came back with evidence of a now unique aspect of the male cones that was previously thought to only be present at one period of the year, is now shown to be a variable and yet to be determined rate of providing pollen for the female cones.
The upshot of your message, is well understood. Rest assurred, we are not in the "hands" of some scam artist, of which there are plenty in Bocas - ala the wonderful Red Frog disaster that has done a great job of doing away with both the frogs, as well as the Cycads in their area.
Cycads here in Panama, are mostly on the Endangered Species Lists. Several are heading towards extinction, unless something isn't done about it, and SOON! In the Changuinola area, 4 new dams are in process. I'm creating a project plan to study and implement a rescue process for the Cycads that are in that area. Previously discovered in Costa Rica, and subsequently thought to be the same species in Bocas, have turned out to be uniquely different species on the islas (Colon and Bastimentos), and this Changuinola species we are presently studying also appears to be a new species.
If your group of environmentalists would care to participate in this work, we would welcome their participation. This isn't "our" project. It is a multi-faceted project that requires a lot of effort by those who would be willing to work hard in order to save part of Panama's unique heritage.
Thanks, and look forward to another meeting with you.
Capt Louis N. Anciaux
Vice President
Panama Jet Boat Explorer
David, Chiriqui
Estimado Capt. Anciaux:
Last week we met in Boquete and during our conversation you shared with us your passion for Isla Escudo de Veraguas in Bocas del Toro. We were surprised to learn that you are currently in the process of purchasing land on the island (26 hectares) since, as it is well known, there are several legal impositions that prevent the sale of land on this island. I am copying this message to a group environmentalists and people who can share information with you regarding your interest.
Who claims to own the land being offered to you and under what ‘legal’ status is this ‘property’ being offered to you? Through which government instances did you perform your due diligence in order to verify the legal status of the land in question?
We hope you are not in the hands of scam artists and real estate speculators and that, furthermore, you understand that this island must be protected as a natural sanctuary to prevent its deterioration.
Marco A. Gandásegui N.
Executive Vicepresident
Ancon Expeditions of Panama
Tel (507) 269-9415 - Fax (507) 264-3713
amig@s todos:
Estos son los desmanes que se preveian en la ley desde que due presentada en la comision de comercio y aceptada por la comision de ambiente de la asamblea de legisladrones.
Hay que organizar el impulso legal a la demanda presentada en la corte suprema. Recien converse con mi contacto y me confirmo que la misma ha sido aceptada, pero no sabe si por la procuraduria de la nacion o de la administracion. Llamara a averiguar.
No he podido localizar al abogado José Santos que presento la demanda. Si algun abogado/a lo puede localizar seria maravilloso. A el lo tenemos que apoyar.
Yo pienso que se puede retener el proceso de construccion si se interponen muchas demandas a los diversos proyectos por culquier motivo cuasilegal. Por ejemplo, por usurpacion o robo de terrenos, delitos ecologicos, por fraude municipal, etc. A los abogados se les pueden ocurrir otras mas. Pero debemos establecer un pool de abogados ambientales que nos ayuden en esta gestion.
Ya hable con Iker en Bocas y la semana pasada no hubo ninguna rueda de prensa, solo fue una reunion y viaje a las areas, con la agencia Gravitas, encargada de una parte de la campaña de comunicacion. Iker esta organizando el listado de contactos en la Isla Colon para actualizar el enviado recientemente.
Igualmente me pidio que no dejaramos pasar mucho tiempo para hacer una visita de trabajo ya que las cosas andan a millon con los desarrolladores.
Se han organizado unas 30 personas para turnarse la vigilancia permanente del Escudo de Veraguas que ya esta en la mira de los ecosidas.
Eso es lo que tengo por ahora.
Saludos azules,
Grupo PNP
Buenos dias,
No puedo creer lo que estoy leyendo en la reglamentacion de la Ley 2 sobre concesiones dpara inversion turistica, donde dice varias veces que laConvocatoria publica para otorgar concesiones turisticas en islas y costas tendra como criterio de seleccion
LA MAYOR INVERSION por metro cuadrado de terreno a enajenarse.
Y en otro apartado dice
En el caso de que no existga un plan de ordenamiento territorial dentro del area a desarrollar, corrrespondera al interesado la elaboraciono y presetnacion de su propio plan de ordenamiento territorial, el cual deberan presentarlo ante la ventanilla unica para su aprobacion.
Esta islas tiene especies y razas únicas de mamíferos, anfibios, aves y plantas. Lamentablemente esta venta se comercializa alrededor del mundo, de manera impune
Hermosos ejemplares de ranas dardo --Dendrobates pumilio -- se venden en decenas de sitios de internet. ¿Cómo obtuvieron el pie de cría de estas ranas? ¿Fue colecta científica? ¿Fue colecta comercial? ¿Cómo se beneficia el país de este negociado?
Dendrobates pumilio. Una de las razas de la Isla Escudo de Veraguas, Comarca Gnobe Bugle. Haga click en la imagen para que vea una colección completa de fotos de variedades (morfotipos) de ranas dardo de esta magnífica isla de Panamá. Lamentablemente todas las magníficas fotos de morfotipos de ranas de Panamá se realizan en tiendas que venden estos ejemplares de todos nuestros países.
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